Welcome to JAZZ SA : THE SA JAZZ EXPERIENCE !

The name is self-explanatory, and what you see is what you get. The JAZZ SA concept was first conceived in 2003 by Moeti Moumakoe when he first registered the www.jazzsa.co.za domain, and the vision was to provide an entry-point into the South African Jazz scene – A South African Jazz Portal, from a more personal perspective and not so much news and stories making headlines. Another ingredient that went into JAZZ SA recipe is the belief that one does not only listen to jazz but experiences it… it is an encounter. So the writing and photography on this website strive to leave you with a sense of having experienced what the writer or photographer captured, no matter where you are in the universe.

What can you find on the website? Anything from blog posts by ordinary jazz appreciators, to posts on random moments of jazz… and all the pictures that go with them. You will also find two galleries, “Black and White” for that warm nostalgic feeling of jazz, and “Colour” for that as-it-happened experience. Another feature worth your time is the Music feature, where you can read about SA jazz albums and how to get your hands on therm. And of course, everyone’s favourite feature… the JAZZ SA Gig Guide.

Why don’t you go ahead and EXPERIENCE it for yourself ? Enjoy… and remember to Stay Cool and Keep it Jazzy !

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